Tuesday, September 26, 2006

11 days and counting!

11 days till the 24 Hour Comic Jam happens! I'm getting more and more pumped by the day. I finally got the story roughed out on what I'll be doing and just flushing that out along with the character designs. All I will hint at is that it will deal with my Runic Warrior story.

Runic Warrior is set in a different world somewhat mixed in technology (part medieval, part steampunk). It is a story about Breianna Aislan who is seeking revenge for the murder of her parents and best friend by the King's Soldiers. She witnesses this when she was on her way home from collecting wood for the stove but escapes to a near port town where she is picked up by the captain of a pirate ship. A few years roll by and she returns to the very town where she left her past to finish off what the King started. She is joined by a martial artist, who has found his way to the world of wine and women, and an elvan geomancer, treasure hunter by trade. Twists and turns take the trio across the world of the humans and the world of the elves as Brei makes her way to her destined goal.

Still some things are in the works but that's what I'll reveal for now. I'll also be posting up the pages I do during the 24 Comic Jam so be sure to keep track of that.

And to keep you entertained for now, Night Elf dance!!!

Friday, September 22, 2006

24 Hour Comic Jam!!!!

Woot! Two weekends till the official 24 Hour Comic Jam! I'm SOO pumped.

I think I already know what I'll be doing for this jam...I just need to figure out the story. But yeah, if you're in Toronto, stop by at the Hairy Turantula at their Keele location on October 7th and 8th (noon till noon) and hit up the party!

So this weekend I plan to prep up for the event and get some practice drawing done as I work out the script. I'll post some art once I get that stuff done.

And to keep yourselves entertained for a while, I recommend you go try out this game called flOw. As I was waiting for work for a bit, I played this for about 2 hours.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Relaxin' Evening

Well. Finally spent a day without having to look around for an apartment which was a nice change for one night. I got some drawing done and busted my butt to start working on the comic (finally...I know Kris :P). Here's a small rough in panel one for a sneak peak.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

And spent some time playing World of Warcraft with Shannon. Here are our druid/rogue combo just hitting lvl 11 tonight.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

We do have a level 60 character each...she has a mage, and myself, a druid. Here's us taking one of our friends through Zul' Farrak.
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So we had lots of fun and got alot of questing done. Well...off to bed.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Transition Still

Hey all. I'm just writing this blog up before I head into work this morning. Figured it's been a while since I posted a blog (I actually forgot I had this blog :/). Anyways. To start it off, I've been living in Toronto now for the past 2 months working at C.O.R.E. as an animator for Iggy Arbuckle.

It's alot of fun so far. I'm having a great time. I've also been running around finding an apartment so I will have a place to unpack. Big thanks to Darren and Ryan for putting up with me and all my stuff this past long while. Anyways, I unpacked the tablet last night to doodle a bit and came up with a "poster girl" for Canadianime.

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The design's still in the works. I have done alot of concept artwork these past 2 months in 2 sketchbooks. Why two sketchbooks? Cause I forgot one in my old city before I moved all my things here and so bought a second one to tie me over. I would have them scanned and such if it wasn't for the fact that my scanner just decided to pull a retirement plan on me and not want to turn on ever again. So I'll just redraw them digitally until I get a new scanner or go somewhere to scan them myself. But more art to come and I will post more on this blog. Promise.

Oh yeah! Also been working out the kinks for the Shadow Lily website. so far you can see the progress at the Shadow Lily Flash Site which is currently in it's planning/process stages. And on that note, you'll need the most recent Flash viewer in order to see the text on this site. Something I just realized.

So at the time being it's just really artwork that needs to be completed and I'll get moving on that once I get a place to settle down and unpack in.

Well...off to work I go!

Xenosaga 3?!

Wow. I used to keep myself heavily updated on the videogame releases but I've been slipping alot. I didn't even know Xenosaga 3 was anywhere near release till I saw it at Toys 'R Us yesterday. One thing I ahve to get around to doing is finishing off Xenosaga 2 still. I managed to get myself "stuck" on a boss where it feels impossible. I think I may be stuck restarting since I can't really do anything to help change my situation. But I love the story to this series despite the imbalance of gameplay and story moments. Aparently this is the last of the story that deals with Shion, Kosmos and crew so I'm curious now how they will be tieing this together once the story hits where Xenogears is to begin. Anyways, here's a pic of Kosmos or something like her.